The HL7 Knowledge Artifact specification has been an experiment in portable clinical decision support (CDS). While unlikely to see production adoption due to equivalent concepts now in FHIR, it is nevertheless useful to see a standards-based representation of clinical knowledge in a working UI. I am updating the 2017 release of the KNARTwork Community Knowledge Artifact editor — part of the Clinical Quality Framework — to 2022 standards. The live copy is now available at:
KNARTwork runs entirely in browser as a single-page app (SPA): there is no server side persistence. All XML document loading, manipulation, validation, and export is done entirely in browser. It implements Clinical Decision Support Knowledge Artifact Specification, Release 1.3, of which I was also heavily involved in. There are some remaining bugs due to being upgraded from Angular 5 to Angular 14. 🙂
KNARTwork’s code is open source and free to copy, remix, and reuse at the KNARTwork GitHub repository.
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