
  • RailsConf 2007 Photocast

    Me and a couple thousand other Rails users are chillin’ in Portland right now enjoying the wifi. Here’s my photocast of things related to RailsConf and Portland, which I’ll update each night.

  • OS X Ruby Troubleshooting: "command not found: dot"

    If you’re trying to run rdoc but are getting errors like..

    Generating HTML…
    Diagrams: ./opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27: command not found: dot -Tismap dot/
    ./opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27: command not found: dot -Tismap dot/

    ..the package you need to install is called graphviz. You can install it using Darwin Ports on OS X like so..

    sudo port install graphviz

  • Parallels Desktop Coherence Mode Rocks: OS X/Windows XP Screenshot

    I tried Parallels Desktop‘s Coherence mode today, and was so blown away I had to blog about it immediately.


    The above image has not been doctored. It’s my normal OS X desktop with Windows XP running in coherence mode. When activated, the window around the XP virtualization session vanishes, the XP taskbar integrates into your OS X desktop, and XP application windows are free to float around. With Parallels Tools installed each XP application has a dock item which can be Command-Tabbed to. If you look closely you can see I’m running IE 6 next to Safari, both natively, without the visual distraction of the virtualization window. This is a huge usability landmark. Thank you Parallels!

    Try it yourself by selecting the View -> Coherence menu option when running Parallels Desktop.

    (Question: Does VMWare currently have a feature like this?)

  • SRP Time-of-Use Plan Hourly Price Change Reminder

    To those on SRP’s time-of-use plan, reprogram your thermostats! On May 1st we’ll be entering into the expensive months.

    • 1pm – 8pm weekdays are “on-peak”: 17.83¢/kWh.
    • All other hours and holidays are “off-peak”: 4.88¢/kWh.

    From here. If you live in a hot area and do not have a programmable thermostat, you absolutely must get one. If you live in Phoenix you’ll more than recoup the cost in a single summer.

  • J2ME Acronym Cheat Sheet


    Sometimes I think we’ll eventually run out of TLAs (three letter acronyms) in the Java space. Here’s a quick reference for the forgetful..

    • ABB (Audio Building Block)
    • API (Application Programming Interface)
    • BCC (Bluetooth Control Center)
    • BPWD (W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group)
    • CBS (Cell Broadcast Service)
    • CDC (Connect Device Configuration)
    • CLDC (Connected, Limited Device Configuration)
    • CSS (Cascading Style Shee)
    • CSS-MP (Cascading Style Sheet – Mobile Profile)
    • DDC (Default Delivery Context)
    • GCF (Generic Connection Framework)
    • J2ME/JME (Java Micro Edition)
    • JTWI (Java Technology for the Wireless Industry)
    • JMF (Java Media Framework)
    • JSR (Java Specification Request)
    • JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
    • MMAPI (Mobile Media API)
    • OBEX (Object Exchange Protocol)
    • OMA (Open Mobile Alliance)
    • PAN (Personal Area Network)
    • PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
    • PDAP (PDA Profile)
    • PIM (Personal Information Management)
    • MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile)
    • MMS (Multimedia Message Service)
    • SMS (Short Message Service)
    • SDD (Service Discovery Database)
    • UAP (User Agent Profile)
    • WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
    • WCSS (Wireless Cascading Style Sheet)
    • WMA (Wireless Messaging API)
    • WML (Wireless Markup Languge)
    • WTK (The Sun Java Wireless Toolkit/J2ME Wireless Toolkit)
    • XHTML-MP (XHTML Mobile Profile)
  • 5 Roadblocks To Enterprise Rails Acceptance

    rails.pngI love Rails for its pragmatic design and agile culture: two qualities not usually associated with the large, enterprisey systems of Fortune 500 companies. In my last formal position I was part of a small internal movement to drive the Rails train upward through the IT ranks, but the effort was met with limited success. The unfortunately reality is that Rails currently lacks several key qualities to which enterprise project leaders have become accustomed. Here are five reasons of varying significance to start us off.

    Insane Query Support

    Most documentation you read about ActiveRecord will take you through tidy, minimalistic examples which are squeaky clean and really fast. Complex queries, however, will be easier to do using Model.find_by_sql, which accepts a raw SQL query. Ordinary dynamic finds with deep loading behavior may require you to hard-code names in the query to avoid issues with the generated SQL. ActiveRecord is way easier to use, but far from Hibernate. I’d say that over 95% of the queries issued by a larger application are of trivial or medium complexity, but a lot of time and your best developers go into that last 5%, and this is where the heavier OR/M frameworks start looking better than ActiveRecord.

    Distributed Transactions

    The rise in SOA interest over the last couple years has led to more applications using multiple data sources. While it is possible to nest transactions, “Rails doesn’t support distributed two-phase commits (which is the jargon term for the protocol that lets databases synchronize with each other).” (From Agile Development with Rails, 2nd Edition.) In many situations, simply nesting transactions will suffice; however, many situations should really have the safely and reliability of two-phase semantics, and this factor alone could be a deal breaker.

    Data Integrity

    Database Designers (DBDs) like FOREIGN KEY constraints, CHECKs, high levels of normalization, and are the natural enemy of null fields. In other words, DBDs don’t like Rails. While I’m certainly no Pedantic Data Nazi (PDN?), there should at least be a basic set of built-in mechanisms for generating such simple self-defenses against naughty applications. Frankly I’m surprised that the community isn’t pushing harder for solid constraint support within migrations.


    This isn’t technically an issue with Rails itself, but a roadblock to its adoption nonetheless. Most Rails developers (including myself) appear to be using TextMate. A smaller population use RDT, Emacs, or numerous other packages. But there isn’t yet an application which comes close to the basic core feature of the popular Java and .Net IDEs. The currently broken breakpointer is another swift kick in the pants. What I can do with Eclipse on a remote application server isn’t in the same universe of functionality as the Rails breakpointer, even when it worked.

    Top-Down Push

    For whatever reason, CTOs and CIOs haven’t yet become seriously interested in Rails, and without this air of implicit exploratory approval, managers seem reluctant to give in to antsy developers. I would love to see Rails become a flagship of agile enterprise projects, but that’s not going to happen until management sees the real ROI of a project done by experienced Rails developers.

    None of these things are insurmountable, but there are many more challenges to overcome if Rails will ever sit on the same application servers as Java and .Net. What challenges have you faced with Rails at your organization?

  • Marvels of the Human Eye

    Being creatures limited by our instruments of perception, the behavior of the human eye and related processing systems never ceases to amaze me. Last year was particularly enlightening, as I hadn’t previously realized we effectively cannot see color in low light situations. I honestly never noticed until I woke up one morning and realized that I’d used the blue towel instead of the red towel after the previous evenings midnight shower.

    Getting more heavily into photography has helped me understand the vast exposure corrections we make involuntarily and without consciously noticing. It’s simply not plausible to correctly determine proper exposure settings using the human eye alone. We adapt dynamically to different lighting situations, so your halogen lit living room at night–which seems like it’ll show well without a flash–will end up tragically underexposed if you “eyeball” the settings.

    300px-same_color_illusion.pngPerhaps my most interesting discovery of late is the checker shadow illusion: a great image demonstrating we often see what we’re expecting, rather than what actually exists. But then, “what actually exists” is a different issue entirely.

  • JXTA: Not The Solution To Java Peer Discovery

    sun_jxta.gifOnly developers with hair should use JXTA, because those with bald or shaven heads won’t have anything to violently rip from their skulls while they develop with it. I have been, and continue to be excited by, JXTA’s potential, but have been very disappointed at the pace at which a project progresses when using it. JXTA’s capabilities, on the PowerPoint level, are impressive. It facilitates a great deal of networking features necessary for peer-to-peer operation and service discovery. So what’s my beef? A couple major areas off the top o’ me head..


    There isn’t exactly a massive community using JXTA. There are limitless possibilities of the platform and a few significant projects that use it, but it’s not exactly a common-place technology. That’s ok. Communities need time to grow. But to build a better mousetrap, people must understand why yours is better, and how to use it properly. At first I suspected I had jumped into the system at a particularly odd moment, but most of the documentation I’ve read is either out of date, or, in the case of much of the code itself, completely missing. This may come as a surprise to the good folks at who provide many links to JXTA articles, but as a developer new to the platform sitting down and getting started, you’ll find yourself confused by deprecated and changed APIs without a clear understanding of the Right Way to do things. Thepopularbooksarelongoutdated.


    As an advocate of test-driven development, my application unit tests attempt to cover the interactions between multiple peers on the JXTA network. Doing so requires instantiating multiple cores within the same Java unit test process, and being able to reset them to initial states between test cases. Unfortunately, JXTA is designed as a singleton, which as we already know is not a friendly pattern to test-driven development. Couple this unfortunate design with the general difficulties of multi-threaded unit testing, and you’ll either be spending vast amount of time with your unit tests, or forgoing the complicated ones completely. Probably the latter. So what’s the solution? I’m not exactly sure, but I’ve started working on one.


    Currently code named “Journeta”, that goal is to create a greatly simplified, zero-configuration-required peer discovery and communication Java library for “trusted” networks. No configuration files, hefty learning curve or even constructor arguments, but no security or over-the-internet functionality either. (At least at the library level.) While I haven’t been actively developing it this year, I started the project last year over at OpenRain, and anticipate releasing a build sometime this summer. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll ping you when we release a demo.

  • RailsConf 2007 (USA) Registration Re-Reopened. New Track & Keynote Announced!

    I received this from O’Reilly just a couple minutes ago..

    —- BEGIN EMAIL —-

    RailsConf 2007
    May 17-20, 2007
    Oregon Convention Center
    Portland, Oregon
    A fourth technical track has just been added to the RailsConf schedule.
    That means a limited amount of space has opened up for those folks who
    didn’t get a chance to register before RailsConf first sold out in

    If you haven’t yet registered and would like to attend RailsConf 2007,
    please register now at:
    (If you do not already have an O’Reilly user account you will be required
    to create on in order to register for RailsConf. When prompted for your
    password, click on “No, I am new to O’Reilly.” When you have finished
    creating an account for yourself you will be taken back to the RailsConf
    registration page.)

    Note: We are no longer accepting checks for this event. All registration
    fees will need to be paid in full by credit card at the time the
    registration form is completed.

    RailsConf Keynotes Just Announced
    Chad Fowler and Ruby Central have put together a stellar program, which
    now includes four simultaneous tracks. They’ve also just announced some of
    the keynote speakers presenting on the main stage this year:

    Ze Frank, Comedic Digital Savant
    David Heinemeier Hansson, Creator of Ruby on Rails
    Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers
    Avi Bryant, Creator of Seaside
    Tim Bray, Co-creator of XML and Atom
    More speakers are being confirmed every day. Check out the entire list of
    speakers and sessions on the RailsConf web site:
    Remember, seating is limited and likely to sell out very quickly. If you
    haven’t already done so, register right away as this email does not
    guarantee your seat.

    We look forward to seeing you in May!

    The RailsConf 2007 Team

    —- END EMAIL —-

  • ReactOS v0.3.1 Parallels Image


    I couldn’t find a working Parallels image of the ReactOS v0.3.1 release after I had some issues installing it from the official ISO, so I’ve created one for you. This is a screenshot of me running FireFox on ReactOS within Parallels on a Core Duo-based MacBook Pro. Download the image for your Intel-based Mac here.