Here are all the working RailsConf 2007 presentation slides and additional session materials I could find this morning, packaged in a single .zip file for your convenience. The content is an aggregate of things posted to the wiki, web2expo and a few other places on the web.
Tag: news
SRP Time-of-Use Plan Hourly Price Change Reminder
To those on SRP’s time-of-use plan, reprogram your thermostats! On May 1st we’ll be entering into the expensive months.
- 1pm – 8pm weekdays are “on-peak”: 17.83¢/kWh.
- All other hours and holidays are “off-peak”: 4.88¢/kWh.
From here. If you live in a hot area and do not have a programmable thermostat, you absolutely must get one. If you live in Phoenix you’ll more than recoup the cost in a single summer.
RailsConf 2007 (USA) Registration Re-Reopened. New Track & Keynote Announced!
I received this from O’Reilly just a couple minutes ago..
RailsConf 2007
May 17-20, 2007
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon
A fourth technical track has just been added to the RailsConf schedule.
That means a limited amount of space has opened up for those folks who
didn’t get a chance to register before RailsConf first sold out in
February.If you haven’t yet registered and would like to attend RailsConf 2007,
please register now at:
(If you do not already have an O’Reilly user account you will be required
to create on in order to register for RailsConf. When prompted for your
password, click on “No, I am new to O’Reilly.” When you have finished
creating an account for yourself you will be taken back to the RailsConf
registration page.)Note: We are no longer accepting checks for this event. All registration
fees will need to be paid in full by credit card at the time the
registration form is completed.RailsConf Keynotes Just Announced
Chad Fowler and Ruby Central have put together a stellar program, which
now includes four simultaneous tracks. They’ve also just announced some of
the keynote speakers presenting on the main stage this year:Ze Frank, Comedic Digital Savant
David Heinemeier Hansson, Creator of Ruby on Rails
Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers
Avi Bryant, Creator of Seaside
Tim Bray, Co-creator of XML and Atom
More speakers are being confirmed every day. Check out the entire list of
speakers and sessions on the RailsConf web site:
Remember, seating is limited and likely to sell out very quickly. If you
haven’t already done so, register right away as this email does not
guarantee your seat.We look forward to seeing you in May!
The RailsConf 2007 Team
Preston Joins The 21st Century
After an eternity of posting my thoughts, project information and other digital potpourri in a scatter manner across the wire, I’ve finally begun putting the pieces for my personal website. Apparently this is now a requirement for Software Engineers to age past 25, so I have some serious catching up to do. Hooray me.