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In The News

OpenRain affiliate img surf‘s Mugr facial recognition services have been receiving some press lately. Here’s the lowdown of what’s been happening..

Mad props to the Mugr team for the thrill ride thus far!


Featured In Rubyology Podcast #48

The talk I gave at yesterday’s Phoenix Rails meeting will be featured in Rubyology Podcast #48, courtesy of Chris Matthieu. Thanks for the effort and kind words! The demo portion at the end got cut out unfortunately, but the meat of the technical discussion is available for your listening pleasure.
Slides: Keynote PDF

Listen Online or Subscribe on iTunes


Dynamically Generating SSL Certificates with Ruby on Rails

OpenRain had a couple projects recently need to programmatically generate private keys and SSL certificates in Ruby. To contribute back to the community, we’re releasing several small things today.

  • A simple form which does the OpenSSL grunt work and pop outs an SSL certificate ready to use with Apache (or whatever). SSLsicle uses..
  • eassl_fix A Rails plugin which patches a small but critical bug in the eassl v0.1.1643 gem which makes OpenSSL object manipulation a bit less dense. I’ve submitted a patch (included) to the author, but as of today he hasn’t applied it. (Also, props to the JumpBox guys.)

If you need to write your own code to generate SSL certificates in Rails..

  1. sudo gem install eassl
  2. Install the eassl_fix plugin
  3. Bust out a view for the user to enter the information that gets baked into the cert and then write a few lines in your controller…
    require 'eassl'
    key =
    options = {
    :country      => params[:csr][:country],
    :state        => params[:csr][:state],
    :city         => params[:csr][:city],
    :organization => params[:csr][:organization],
    :department   => params[:csr][:department],
    :common_name  => params[:csr][:common_name],
    :email        => params[:csr][:email]
    name =
    csr = => name, :key => key)
    ca = => nil)
    cert = ca.create_certificate csr
    @pem = key.private_key.to_s
    @pem += cert.to_pem
  4. @pem.to_s will contain an unencrypted private key as well as a signed certificate suitable for deployment.

Facial Search Service Coming Soon

My company recently entered into a partnership with img surf to develop a facial identification/search service initially targeted at the mobile market. I’m pleased to announce that we already have the base functionality working, and are planning to deploy for experimentation in an invite-only beta starting in October. We’re also planning on providing a developer API and releasing some of the libraries behind the magic of our face search process later this year, which are largely implemented in Ruby.

Exciting times.

Let me know if you’re interested in playing with facial search technology as either a user or developer, and I’ll hook you up with an invite code when the time comes.

computer photography

RailsConf 2007 Photocast

Me and a couple thousand other Rails users are chillin’ in Portland right now enjoying the wifi. Here’s my photocast of things related to RailsConf and Portland, which I’ll update each night.