
Drawing Basics – Week 2

I recently started a novice-level drawing class with the goal of sucking less. Note the subtle distinction here; I’m not trying to get good at drawing, just less horrible. This allows me to preserve my self-esteem despite everything looking like the Fail Whale… that ironically I can’t draw, either.

I’m taking this class with Erica, who decided to cheat by taking four years to preemptively get a BACHELORS in freaking ART. Good thing, too, because it would have been much harder for her to be an art TEACHER without that background. Whatever. It basically goes like this**:

Erica: Good job, Preston!
Preston: (Proudly) Thanks! What’s…that.
Erica: Oh this? It’s supposed to be a 19th-century steel teapot on a French patio in January. But it looks more like February.
Preston: …
Erica: …
Preston: I hate you.

(**May not have actually happened.)

Anyway, here are my second attempts at drawing bottles.. and stuff. I’m happy to report that these suck less than week one! Mission accomplished.




Back To Business School

I started MBA 590 tonight; the next stepping stone to my next degree, which I should complete at University of Phoenix early next year. Considering I couldn’t even start on the coursework until 9PM, it’s going to be a busy year. 😐